In what is turning into a New Year's tradition, OWTK will be attending the Jan. 2nd Gustafer Yellowgold show at World Cafe Live. I may have even used this blog post title before. It's Deja Vu, all over again.
It seems the yellow guy visits Philly on the 1st weekend of each New Year and, you know what, I cannot really imagine a better way to kick off another year of great family music.
We haven't seen Gusty since the release of "Mellow Fever". I'm quite interested to see how Morgan Taylor and Co. squeeze in the new songs ("Panther Stamp Pants", "Quite Easily Lost", etc) while also playing the older tunes essential in telling the Yellowgold tale ("Your Eel", "My Dragon"), so that new converts have some semblance of a clue as to what is going on...and do all that in 45-55 minutes.