24 November 2006

Okay, we did it...

We broke out the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer video a couple nights ago, on November 21st, ignoring the fact that it was not yet Thanksgiving and that the temperature was hovering on the warmer side of 50 degrees and...I just couldn't help myself.

I am getting into the Christmas spirit a little early this year. Most likely caused by the shopping I did last weekend for the annual Sponsor a Child effort through my employer. I am leading the 2006 campaign and have enjoyed such an enthusiastic response that my team of roughly 15 folks was able to sponsor two children. This year, we have two girls...ages 2 and 4 - right up my alley!

Like my Dad, I enjoy the act of giving (and buying) gifts more than receiving them at the Holidays. This Sponsor a Child effort fuels my passion for making other people smile and my enjoyment of shopping for toys. Of course, I never get to see the look on the kid's faces as they are tearing open the packages but I know that the generosity of my co-workers will go a long way in making a couple little children very happy this Christmas.


1 comment:

SM said...

You know, it's amazing what a little effort will accomplish, not just for those two children this Christmas, but for your own. My sister tackled her local bar association (where she worked at the time) for a toy drive a number of years ago. Last year, it had grown so large that the lawyers were buying presents for an entire school in a poor neighborhood. But the best part, my nephews, her sons, a couple of years into it, went out on their own washing cars for some of their neighbors and used all the money they earned to buy presents for these kids, too - and it was all their own idea. There is no doubt that what we do has tremendous impact. Good for you.