The Coolster (ok, that is a poor name, I should have been consulted) is a sophisticated and "adult" version of the popular sippy/straw cup. It looks and acts much like an adult travel coffee mug and should be ideal for any 2-4 year old. It remains as spillproof as any other Playtex sippy product, employing the same one piece valve in the lid, and keeps beverages cool longer (hence the name). The price is comparable to other toddler cups: $8 for a 2 pack.
The colors are also terrific, with a metallic sheen to the purple (and with little white flowers), green and blue (sports theme). No animated character infiltration either - which is a big plus!
according the the NHTSA and the AAP (American Association of Pediatrics), as well as CHOP, a booster should only be used when a child is 40 lbs AND 4 years old. You are otherwise putting your child at risk.
Thanks for the website info, although I do not know who you are. I need to go back and check the literature that came with the booster. The outside of the box spoke of 30lbs and 36 inch - my daughter is slightly over both (I am tall and so is she) - which is why we decided to buy it. I remember the American Assoc. of Pediatrics being quoted/referenced in there as well...
it is not so much as height
as it is age and weight. I
am a registered car seat technician with NHTSA (national highway transportation safety administration. We see this all the time. Booster seats being used wrong. The manufacturers tend to push them too soon. Age has a big part of it. Otherwise would you put a 1 year old that is large in one of these? Of course not! Just be careful, and also talk to your own pediatrician and see what they recomend, they know your child the best.
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