*****2/13/08 Update - Read the OWTK Interview with WorryWoo creator Andi Green!*****
OWTK is proud and extremely excited to introduce you to The WorryWoo Monsters - a stunningly beautiful new series of children's books (and adorable stuffed animals) that aims to tackle the emotions we all face (loneliness, insecurity, confusion, etc).
WorryWoo Week is going to look something like this: today is the OWTK review of The Lonely Little Monster, a positively gorgeous book, and an awesome giveaway where you can win your very own first-edition autographed hardback copy of The Lonely Little Monster and a big, cuddly Nola plush doll. In the coming days, OWTK will bring you a Q&A with WorryWoo creator/author/illustrator Andi Green. After that, an exclusive sneak peak at what's in the WorryWoo pipeline.

Nola is, as the title suggests, a lonely little monster who is desperately in need of a friend or, we are to imagine, a mere passer-by. She is flat-out miserable because of her loneliness for the first portion of the book and eventually cries an ocean of tears at her misfortune. The reader feels Nola's pain and empathizes with her simple wish of companionship. It's the pouty way in which Nola explains her emotions that we understand just how young of a monster she is. Kids will respond to her plea and the manner in which she longs for a playmate. It's in her bountiful tears, half way through the book, that she finally gains the company she desires.
Therein lies a subtle message for kids and adults alike - never be afraid to be honest about your feelings even if it means being moved to tears for it's inside that display of raw emotion that we can overcome our fears and longings. That happens to be exactly what Nola learns when through her damp eyes she spots tiny critters in the wake of the sea. Turns out those who we long to be near often feel the same way about us and are sometimes right under our noses.
The story is sweet and simple yet at the same time carries with it a subtle heaviness, after all this is a powerful emotion being examined here. It's the illustrations, however, that set The Lonely Little Monster apart from virtually every other children's book on the market. Andi Green's watercolors are without a doubt some of the prettiest artwork to accompany literature that this writer has ever seen. It is a true work of art from start to finish.
At first, I did have this complaint about the book : The reader wants to spend quality time on each page, to fully appreciate Mrs. Green's depictions of Nola and her surroundings, but there is an overall lack of text from page to page. This structure makes the reader feel as though they must progress through the book too rapidly. I feel that maybe there was so much wonderful art ready for this first book and a strong desire to share that art with the world that the text was spread out a bit too thin. But it turns out this isn't a complaint at all. The book's layout is used to encourage, rather than deter, folks to spend more time on each page AFTER the initial read. So, we typically flip through the book twice at each sitting - once to read/hear the story and again to admire the artwork and the story that the pictures tell.
Any book lover should rush to pick up The Lonely Little Monster for themselves and their small children. I would put the ideal age for this book at 4-8 but as with many kids books, the real age range is much wider.
We are happy to be able to give away two (2) sets of Nola - The Lonely Little Monster. The two winners will each receive the 1st edition book, signed by Andi Green, and the plush Nola doll.
For your chance to win, simply leave a comment here telling me about your favorite childhood stuffed animal/doll/action figure/imaginary friend. Do so before midnight (Eastern Time) on Friday the 15th and consider yourself entered in the giveaway.
Winners to be announces the next day, 2/16.
For your chance to win, simply leave a comment here telling me about your favorite childhood stuffed animal/doll/action figure/imaginary friend. Do so before midnight (Eastern Time) on Friday the 15th and consider yourself entered in the giveaway.
Winners to be announces the next day, 2/16.
*As always, I'm required to remind you that OWTK will never sell, abuse or even use (unless you win) your email address.
Thanks and best of luck!
Thanks and best of luck!
Can't wait to win? Buy The Lonely Little Monster and Nola today!
Count me in! Both my kids would appreciate this lovely prize.
My favorite childhood stuffed animal was a white stuffed cat. I still have it, or rather my daughter does now. When I was 5, I had to have surgery, and my favorite cat toy went missing just prior. My parents must have scoured the stores to find another exactly like it, but they did it somehow. It was there when I woke up from the anasthesia, and it still has my hand imprints - you can see how I squeezed and held it.
My 7 year old daughter sleeps with it now. 33 years and holding!
My favorite childhood stuffed animal was a white dog named scruffy.. I still have him hidden away in a safe place.
I guess I had three imaginary friends growing up though I do not remember them... named hewey, dewey, and ooie. I guess it got so bad at one point that my parents actually had to drive back 3 hours on a trip to get them from the hotel as we "left them"
I blogged you too :)
My fave stuffed animal was popples. fave doll was my american girl doll, felicity. I never had an imaginary friend, and wasn't into action figures. Thanks for the entry!
My favorite doll when I was a child was a Monchichi that I named Toby. I still have him, he's not looking as good as he used to, but I still love kim just the same!
Oh! Sounds great. My little girl loves books.
Have to admit that I don't remember a favorite childhood stuffed animal (is that sad?). I did have a blankie that went with me everywhere, and I loved My Little Pony and Cabbage Patch Dolls, but those aren't exactly stuffed animals. Now I'll have to go through my mom's old albums and see if there were any that made repeat appearances.
My favorite stuffed animal growing up(and nowQ!) is my wolfey. Yes, you guessed it, he's a wolf(with a highly original name). My mother gave him to me the last time I ever saw her, right before she went in for a bone marrow transplant. I know, I know, what a downer I am. lol. I still have him, of course, carefully out of reach from the kids...
My favorite stuffed animal was a pink rabbit pillow. I slept with it every night. My mom sewed it back together several, several times. I still have it and it brings back great memories.
Oh my Rachel, That is so sad. How old were you at the time?
My favorite toy growing up was a stuff blue bear. It had a music box in it, that played the Beatles "goodnite". I sing that to my kids every nite now. I have no idea where my bear is though, I think my parents got rid of it when I moved out!
Mrs Beasley- It was a great moment for my future sister in law and I when we realized we had the same lovey!
My favorite stuffed animal was a monkey that I took EVERYWHERE. Our family went on vacation to Jamaica and I left him in a taxi- the driver drove back 2 hours to give him to me!
I remember a very fat stuffed bear with one eye sleeping with me every night when I was small. He was big enough to block my view of the window which meant that no monsters could see me and get in, of course. What happened to the poor guy, I don't remember.
My favorite was a crying doll I named Pammy. I received her for my 6th birthday along with a box full of clothes my mom had lovingly handmade for her. :0) Great giveaway! ( meg.wilson@gmail.com )
Mine is a Big All White Stuffed Bear that I named Twiggy. It was a Christmas present from my grandmother when I was small, and I still sleep with it to this day! LOL!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
My favorite doll was a doll I had with a blue dress and blond hair that I named Tiffany. I also loved my cabbage patch doll and pound puppies.
I had a huge bright blue bull dog that sat on my bed. I used to ride him all the time. My dad brought him home from a trip one time and I had him until I broke his back riding him.
I loved my Raggedy Ann doll. I had a Raggedy Ann alarm clock too that said "Wake up, wake up you sleepy head. Wake up, wake up get out of bed." Much better than the buzzer I've got now!
What a fantastic prize! I loved my "Chatty Cathy" doll. Please enter me in your fabulous drawing. I hope I win.....Thanks,Cindi
This looks like a great book and also a good teaching tool for my older daughter, who has started showing signs of sibling jealousy now that her baby brother is six months old. She has some emotions she doesn't understand how to express so it might be nice to act them out with Nola...
Whoops, sorry- my favorite childhood doll was called Maria Manyfaces. She was a soft doll with flip-up faces and costumes of different ethnic groups (Dutch, Japanese, African, Spanish). So far Roo has shown zero interest in her... I think kids are used to seeing multiculturalism in action these days!
Favorite stuffed animal was a large stuffed bunny.
I loved my Chrissy doll.
This sounds interesting, but looks kind of weird, lol.
I am blogging your giveaway at The Good Stuff.
I had (still have) a white lamb named, uh, Lambie. : ) Now my 4 girls play with him--still holding together!
I had a little floppy eared dod named ruff-ruff that I carried around everywhere.
I had a "dog" stuffed animal that my husband says looks nothing like a dog. I gave it to my daughter when she was born- she now is 3 and calls it a mouse. :)
This sounds wonderful! I had a large stuffed bunny that I adored!
at three for xmas I got Alphie (an eltronic robot toy). I loved that toy, slept with it, took it everywhere, talked to it, had tea parties and of course played those "educational" game the toy was suppose to do. I wonder if my mom still has it!!
The book sounds great! My favorite was a doll my 'Nonna' made a Spanish Flamenco dress for. Somehow I knew it was not really to play with.
I had this baby doll stuffed with beans when I was little and I called her Beaner. I loved her so much. I hope that my children can love their stuffed animals as much!
I have a stuffed monkey from when I was 3 or 4 that I love.
My favorite stuffed animal when I was a kid was a rabbit in a nightgown with bunny slippers. Her name was "Bunny Two-Shoes." Seems like kind of an obvious name right?
This is not too hard...my handmade doll Meredith, she was supposed to look like a Cabbage Patch, but was WAY better to me as she was made by my Grandma! Thanks...
My favorite stuffed animal when I was growing up was Road Runner. Everyone said I looked like him cuz I was tall, lean and fast. LOL! BEEP BEEP!
I had a two foot tall pink panther, yes like the movie one. He was great to cuddle with since he was almost as tall as me. He went with me on overnights every time.
When I was 2 yrs old I received my favorite doll as a gift that I named Natalie. She never once complained of the tramua she endured at my hands throughout my childhood. From being bathed in a mop bucket to me trying to train her to go on the big girl potty in which my mom ended up fishing her out of the toilet when she fell in. I still have her all these years later and she still bares the red dots on her face I placed there when she caught the chicken pox from me and her chopped up hair from the hair cut she received from my trusty kiddy sissors. She was well loved and her tattered body prove it.
Gosh those are STUNNING. Really wonderful! I actually did have an imaginary friend as a child and her name was "Dopidy". I don't believe I ever caught the accurate spelling. Forgive me "Dopidy" if I am remembering wrong. :-)
my favorite stuffed animal was my grumpy bear (from the care bears. now my daughter is starting to have an attachment to it.
katebeth45 at gmail dot com
My favorite stuffed toy/doll was a Raggady Andy doll. Do those even exist anymore?! :)
I was obsessed with Barbie still am. I had everything for her and still have all my dolls and their clothes. Just waiting for the day I get to share them with my daughter.
I still sleep with my theobear.
I had a stuffed bumble bee that my dad gave me when I was born.
When I was little I would tell all my relatives and parents' friends about the adventures of my friend Henry. I would relate detailed stories about Henry's birthday parties, day trips, favorite foods, etc. People were shocked to find out that Henry was actually a stuffed rabbit. I think Henry is part of the reason my parents decided to give me a sibling.
I had several stuffed animals as a kid but my favorite would have to be a brown bear with a red bow tie. I slept with it every night from the first night I had it.
Still have it. My niece likes to sleep with it.
I had a stuffed pink bunny, that my twin sister tore a hole in it. She said the tore one was mine. She actually tore a hole in hers, and gave that one to me. They always say there is a good twin, and a bad twin.
My favorite was a stuffed Lady, from Lady and the Tramp, that I got on my first visit to Disney World when I was 4 years old.
i still have my favorite toy. Teddy Beddy was sent to my mother for me while she was living in england before i was born, from my grandfather in canada. he got smooshed on the way over and never "recovered" his fluffiness, but i still adore him, and now my children love him too.
My favorite stuffed animal was an oversized teddy bear my grandmother gave me. I've treasured that bear for years, and still have it, although now it "lives" on top of my stereo, instead on on my bed. (Hubby has an allegic reaction to it being on the bed.
My favorite was a Mrs. Beasley doll. She went everywhere with me!
anislandlife at yahoo dot com
I don´t remember I have to say in that case.
My favorite doll was my Kid Sister doll, she went every where with me!
i loved my strawberry shortcake doll that blew strawberry kisses when you squeezed her tummy!! my kids would love this book!! thanks
My favorite toy was a cream elephant with pink ears that played music. I slept with it every night when I was little.
My favorite doll growing up was my Miss Piggy puppet. I used to take her everywhere with me.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I loved stuffed animals and had a favorite dog. His name was Fleagle. I even took him to college with me.
My favorite stuffed animal was a white bear named Nikki Nikita. I still have her!
I had a grass green terry towel that I took to bed with me every night because it would shield me from monsters and bugs! It really worked! ;)
I had a stuffed monkey named Elvis. Sure miss him. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
As a little girl, I used to read a series by Enid Blyton which was all about a naughty little doll called Amelia. I named my doll after her and used to imagine her coming to life after everybody when to bed and having great fun imagining up adventures for her.
The WorryWoo will hopefully inspire something similar in my kid, :-)
I'm also including this in my contest blog - A Bookworm's Diary. Hope that's ok with you..
~ aBookworm
When I was growing up my favorite doll was a Raggedy Anne doll. I don't know what happened to her, but there our times I could use her now. Please enter me in your contest.
My favorite stuffed animal was a dog called "Reddy" because she had a bit of red near her eyes. She was a really good listener!
taureau AT yahoo DOT com
When I was really young I had a small stuffed dog with felt eyes and ears. I named him Badoo and took him everywhere with me. My Mom has him saved in a box, along with a lock from my first haircut, my first cast, and a Valentine I made her when I was three.
I had (and still have) a FLAT rabbit--it has a circular, flat body with floppy ears and feet. So strange, but I love him to this day!
My favorite doll as a child was the Cabbage Patch Kid my mom waited in line and got put on a waiting list for.
I'd love to win this!
I loved Barbies and Cabbage Patch dolls. My mom told me that when the Cabbage Patch dolls first came out my dad had to run around to store after store looking for one because they had sold out. Too funny!
I have not thought about this in a long time but my favorite doll was one of those ugly troll dolls that had hair that stuck straight up. I used to carry it around by the hair all over the place.
My daughter would love this. My favorite stuffed animal when I was a kid was a purple and pink elephant that my aunt gave me once when I was in the hospital. It made me feel better, so I was convinced the elephnt (Gertrude) had magical healing powers.
My girls are ooohing and awweing at this book. :)
My favorite stuffed animal was a giant snake( I think it was my brothers) it wrapped around the bunk bed and caught us when we rolled off the bed.
Hugs, danette
I had a white stuffed cat with silky "fur". I petted it so often the cat had bald spots.
Sweet giveaway. My facorite stuffed animal was a teddy bear named Tommy. Could not be parted from it.
A big dog puppet.
My favorite stuffed animal was a teddy bear that lived at my great aunt ruth's house. She is long gone, but I managed to snag the bear and now it lives in my baby's room.
my favorite (and only, we were very poor) was a raggedy ann and andy. i just gave them to my great-grandaughter!
My favorite childhood stuffed toy was my doll named, Natalie. She had a soft fabric body, plastic face, and some kind of nylon hair...not easy to brush through. But, I loved her nonetheless!
Energize Spiderman was da bomb! Cheezy but still cool. ;)
Mine was a cute stuffed white dog, that my mom named Jake, I had him for years, I don't remember whatever happened to him.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I really like this book and stuffed animal.
My fave stuffed doll as a child was a clown that my step-father gave me before he passed away. I kept it for many years because it was one item that was solely mine given to me by him.
Incredible Edibles - it was like an easy bake oven for boys. It made creepy crawly bugs and spiders that you ate. God knows what toxic chemicals we ingested! It was kind of like jelly beans.
I would love to win this prize. My favorite childhood doll was one that I received at birth, My grandma was thrilled at finally having a granddaughter, so she went out and bought me this 3 foot tall soft body doll with blonde hair. When I was big enough to crawl, I would crawl to the doll and snuggle with her. I named her Susie and I took her everywhere with me.
When I was 8 years old, our house burned and I lost Susie. I never had another doll come close to being as important to me as she was.
my son has a doll named Mr. Googlehorns which has been past down from kid to kid in my family.
I had a teddy bear that was in shreads and would be worth a lot of money if we didn't throw it away many years ago.
Please enter me. My favorite stuffed animal was a sock monkey that my Grandmother had made for me. I'm in my 40's and I still have the same sock monkey and my kids love to hear stories about him that I make up. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Living between two homes (my parents divorced when I was 4) I only had one constant...my blue stuffed bunny, whom I named "Bunbuns". He was my first Easter stuffy. I hugged him so much I rubbed the fuzz off his face. When I was 6 my dad re-married. My step-mother, upon finding Bunbuns on the floor, told me if she found him there again, she would put him in the trash. When I went back to my Mom's house, I took Bunbuns & left him there 'forever'. I'm turning 26 in March & to this day Bunbuns sits on a shelf in my Mom's home. When my Mom remarried, Bunbuns came to the wedding & my step-dad started 'The Hunt' for a friend for Bunbuns. One day at our local Salvation Army Store, he found a pink stuffy just like Bunbuns & bought 'her'. We named her "Bunita" & she sits on the same shelf with Bunbuns.
my favorite was raggedy ann.
Loved playing gymnastics w/ my barbies!
My favorite stuff animal was a penguin named Patches. He's hiding in the bedsheets in one of the beds right now. But growing up we went everywhere together. His poor little nose started flaking off and so for fear of being nose-less he was retired from trip goings. Poor dear. The kids get a kick out of him though so that's nice.
i had tons of stuffed animals and each had a special place on my bed. each morning i had to set them all up and then everything was right with the world. the animal with the place of distinction was a monster named funky. he was always front and center.
My favorite childhood stuffed animal was a large stuffed teddy bear that I got for Christmas when I was 8. I named him Chris short for Christmas. ~ :)
My favorites were a stuffed teddy named Mr Bear who I HAD to have in order to sleep and Ms. Beasley, a stuffed doll with crazy yellow hair!
My favorite doll was my Strawberry Shortcake Blow Kiss Baby. I lost her somehow through the years, but one of my best friends gave me her doll when we were in college. I love it, but I still wonder what happened to my doll.
my favorite childhood doll was just some no name doll! Well I named her Trish, and she was as tall as me!!
My 3 yr old loves being read to at night
My favorite was an old Winnie the Pooh doll. I carried it around so much that the shirt he wore fell apart and mom had to make a new one!
I had a purple rabbit named George and I loved him very much. I still remember how worn out he was. One day he disappeared. I suspect my mom threw him away. :(
I also had a Winnie The Pooh stuffed bear that was so cute, I carried it everywhere. I also had a talking Flip Wilson little stuffed doll - it was Flip Wilson on one side, and Geraldine on the other. When you pulled the string it said "Help Ya'll! They got me trapped inside this doll!" and other funny things.
I loved my ginny dolls
I didn't have a stuffed animal as a child. All of mine were real.
My Mother cut out the fabric pattern of a little girl skunk holding a flower in one paw. Shaped like a pillow mover oval than round, Daisy went everywhere with me for years. I slept with her, cried on her, and bled on her when I hurt myself. I still have Daisy tucked away in a storage box under my bed. Some stuffed animals come and go, that one has always been with me.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I had a stuffed animal named "Teddy-Dog". Yes, we were never sure if it was a dog or a bear. I squeezed all of the stuffing out of the middle of poor Teddy-Dog.
I had a stuffed white cat who I named Kitty and slept with her every night.
my crying mama doll
I had a bear with a blue and white stockingcap and sleep shirt.
When I was 4 I was given Bitsy, a sweet little doll who cries Mama. When my daughter turned 4 I gave her Bitsy in a new dress I made to match one of my daughter's. My granddaughter will be getting Bitsy in another 2 years when she turns 4! Bitsy will be 58 years old! Her face may be worn, but she is much loved! :)
My favorite stuffed animal was a brown pony given to me by Santa (really a friend of my cousin's) at my home. I still have him.
my favorite was a raggety Ann doll that my grandmother had made for me.
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
My favorite was a doll my grandmother gave me.
My favorite stuffed doll was my heart to heart bear.
I had a little Yoda play figure, that I brought with me to school all the time, he nestled to sleep in my kleenex box on my desk, sat in my pockets during recess and perched precariously on the edge of my lunch box when it was time to eat! lol.
When I was little my grandmother bought me a doll on the way to my other grandmothers.. We always went to see my other grand parents for vacation.It was about three hundred miles .Along the way we stoped at a rest stop and thats when she bought me this doll.When we got there my cousin wanted the doll and my other grandmother told me to give it to her. My grandmother told her no,that it was mine. She said that I could get another.My grandmother told me to put it in my bag.I still have it,and will always love it.
My favorite was my cookie monster puppet.
I loved my Raggedy Ann!
I had (still have) a little stuffed panda that had a wind-up music box in it.
My grandmother made me an African American raggedy ann doll
My favorite toy was a small bean bag puppy that I named 'Red Puppy' (of course!). I still have him and now my daughters play with him.
I still have my stuffed panda (named Panda). I take him out when my son needs some extra love and comfort.
My favorite doll was a doll called Baby Beans. I still have her. I got her when I was 2. She has a pink body filled with plasic pellets. I know because I bit a hole in her foot. :)
My favorite character was Curdoroy the Bear.
My teddy bear!
i had a rainbow bright doll!
My favorite stuffed animal was Thumper from Bambi. Mom never let me finish watching Bambi but Thumper was my fave character.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite stuffed animal was the teddy bear that belonged to my dad when he was little. It was dark brown and had yellow eyes--the old fashioned kind that were pins. It was very worn and I was the last owner of that bear, but I'll never forget how safe it made me feel. Thank you for the contest!
My favorite childhood doll was the blowup doll I had of Marilyn Chambers.
Mrs. Beasley was my favorite childhood doll. She was made to look just like the doll that Anissa Jones carried in the sitcom "Family Affair" with her brother Jody and Mr. French the butler. Does anyone else remember this show, or am I dating myself? LOL! Poor Mrs. Beasley had round plastic glasses that broke easily. My mother, bless her heart, would write to Mattel Corp at least every 8 eweks and they would send me a new pair of replacement glasses for Mrs. Beasley. Can you imagine a company doing that now? Thanks for a fun contest!
My favorite childhood toy was a little green stuffed bear i won at a carnival. I've kept it all these years and I still have it although he's seen better times.
edq143 at yahoo dot com
For my 5th birthday my mother got me a teddy bear, boy did I love that thing. For the next 5 years I took it everywhere with me, bought it baby clothes and slept with it - still have it and I think I'll keep it forever.
I had a plastic baby when I was a child that I used to carry around everywhere, named Elizabeth. One time I left it at a local chinese restaurant and I never saw her again. Fortunately, my parents bought me an exact replica and I named her Elizabeth too.
My favorite childhood doll was named Drowsy, I took her everywhere and slept with her everynight. She had white blonde hair and a pink and white polka dotted outfit. She also talked, she said "Mommy, I'm sleepy". I loved her so much !
I had a big grey and white sheepdog with floppy ears and I named him Fluffy. Because he really was fluffy, he didn't stay that way. He got all matted and dingy and pretty icky but I loved that dog so much!
When I was little, my favorite doll was this huge plastic doll that you could dress. She didn't have any hair and I don't think she had a specific name. It was the 70's. I still have her in my attic, but she looks pretty scary now.
thank you for the great contest
enter me please
pethof (at) gmail (dot) com
abig yellow teddybear named "teddy"
I had this pillow stuffed Santa Claus that I adored.
When I was 10 my dad gave me this one big stuffed dog. He said it was to keep me safe while he was gone until he returned. That was the night before he left for Vietnam. My dad never came back and my stuffed dog was the one who heard my tears for a long time. It is now in the hands of my granddaughter who cherishes him and for me it is a way for her to get to know a great grandfather she will never get to meet but who would have loved meeting her.
I had this gypsy doll that I named Mandy after my favorite book, I still have both!
When I was young, I really loved my Barbie collection. I was always sitting them down and trying to teach them all kinds of things, and they all looked back at me, smiling and jolly. I took those guys with me everywhere.
Love my teddy bear, Fred.
I had a little white lamb stuffed animal named Lambie-Pie that I really loved!
I had this stuffed white rabbit I called bunny. I was given it when I was about 10 months old... and I still have it (away from little fingers for fear it'll fall apart at first touch)
My favorite doll was one in which you pulled the string and it would say "Night, Night" and various other phrases. I called it Baby Cindy and just adored that doll!
My favorite doll was my Strawberry Shortcake doll. I slept with her everynight and carried her everywhere I went.
mine was a rabbit. Mom made me "trade it in" cause it was raggedy, but of course the replacement wasn't as good!
My favorite stuffed animal was a small yellow bear that my grandmother got me when i was about 2 and we named her Daffodil. She was my best friend and got me through a lot when I was young. I still have her -- 38 years later! She sits on a shelf and still watches over us!
My favorite toy was my paperdolls that had real hair. :)
raggedy ann and andy- just gave to great-grandkids!
I loved my cabbage patch kid. Her name was Amanda and I was so proud of her. aewalls425@hotmail.com
A stuffed Snoopy was my good friend in childhood. I still have him sitting in the closet of the nursery.
My older brother had an imaginary friend, Karl. Because my brother was blind and my parents played along with my brother, I figured Karl existed but no one could see him so Karl was my imaginary friend too.
My name is Cathy and my parents thought it was extra cute for their blonde haired, blue eyed cathy to have that doll. I loved that doll. I dragged it everywhere.
There was a shadow on the wall, and to this day, I still believe it was an angel watching over me.
My favorite stuffed animal when I was a kid was a teddy bear I got for my 1st Christmas. I still have it even now.
i was a Barbie fiend, all day all the time!
Maude, my Cabbage Patch Doll :) She's still in my parents attic.
I loved Raggedy Anne!! She rocked!!
My favourite was a little pig I called "Nasu". When I was 10 I got a puppy and one day he pooped on Nasu and my dad threw Nasu away.. It was a sad day :/
Little Miss No Name, she was my favorite.
My very first and most special doll. His name was JuJu. I named him that because I could not yet say my grandfather's name...Julius.
I am 46 years old, and still have my JuJu. He has had to be an in-patient at the 'doll hospital' several times for a new body.
Thanks for a chance to win!
i used to play with my piggy bank, it wasn't very comfortable to sleep with but i wanted to make sure my brother didn't steal my money.
My favorite is a doll, I named her Becky..I still have her, and still love her
I had a kissy doll named Mary Ann. She was my favorite and although I can't remember a lot about her, she is in almost every picture of me up til the age of six.
Scrunchy the ShopRite Bear. They make a different one now, and it's nowhere near as good. I still have my original and slept with him last week when I was sick.
I can't wait! My favorite was my Cabbage Patch Kid named Darby Ana, my grandma waited in line for hours to get her for me!
My favorite stuffed animal (which I still have) was Robbie the Raccoon. My sister gave him to me right before I had to have my tonsils out. He still has the collar they gave him in the hospital. It is a hospital wrist band that they made for him.
mine was a rag doll my mother made for me
Well, my current favorite stuffed animal is a giant body pillow shaped like a catfish. His name is Herbert, and for a sad period of my life, we has also a bit of an imaginary friend.
Puffy magic dragons are my favorite stuffed animal. I have the funniest photo of my 3 year old daughter talking to an imaginary friend.
My favorite doll as a child was
Raggedy Ann.I think I felt sorry for her.So I took special care of her.
My fav childhood make believe friend (sort of) was a black and yellow catapillar that I kept in a jar and feed it. I let it go in the fall so it could cacoon. Kind of wierd, eh!
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