This week marks the release of those two new Maggie and the Ferocious Beast DVD sets from Shout! Factory. "Rain Showers & Spring Flowers" and "Recipes for Trouble" (both available Tuesday February 5th 2008) present a total of 8 Maggie and the Ferocious Beast episodes containing a total of 24 separate shows, each one a perfect example of blissful, idyllic kid's entertainment. The tales told and lessons examined in Maggie and Ferocious Beast are done so at a gentle pace, allowing youngsters as early as 18 months to grasp the subtle messages of friendship, being different and appreciating what we have all around us. What's totally fantastic about the new collections is the inclusion of numerous musical numbers and music-themed shows - from the presence of the double-bass playin' B.B. Katz in several episodes to the marvelous ode to our favorite redhead by Hamilton Hocks on "Maggie's Song". As always, viewers will spend time with a bevy of favorite Nowhere Land friends such as Rudy, Nedley, the Jelly Bean Team and, new here, the hilarious Buffleheaded Booby.
I cannot recommend Maggie enough to any family with young kids - older infants to kindergarten age. You'll find the characters silly, charming and your tots will be enamored with Maggie, Hamilton, Beast and the rest of the gang from the very first viewing.
OWTK is very happy to be able to give away two (2) sets of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast DVDs to a couple of lucky readers. All you need to do is this: Leave a comment here letting me know what your favorite TV show or book was when you were growing up. Do so before midnight ET on Friday 2/8/08 and you will be entered to win both "Rain Showers & Spring Flowers" and "Recipes for Trouble" on DVD. Winners will be announced and notified on Saturday 2/9/08. (OWTK never sends unwanted emails - so have no fear. I hate those as much as you do.)
Thanks and good luck!
More Maggie and the Ferocious Beast
Little House on The Prairie. I still cry every episode...
Hi, What an adorable dvd! I loved
"Lassie!" Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it.....
Punky Bruster! Oh yeh I'm telling my age. She was just tooo much fun.
The Torkelsons :)
LilacButterfly [at] earthlink.net
favorite show was maya the bee or the gnomes... fave book was cloudy with a chance of meatballs by far. i still love that book. thanks for the entry!
My favorite show was The Brady Bunch. I've always wanted a big family like that! hee hee
anislandlife at yahoo dot com
Sesame Street when I was very young, then the Smurfs, then Punky Brewster. And my favorite book was Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
I was a big reader throughout my childhood... Ramona, Anne Shirley, and Tom Sawyer were just a few of the characters that danced through my imagination during the first thirteen years of my life! Anne of Green Gables was my all time favorite book, though! :D
Maurice Sendak "Where the Wild Things Are"
I loved Sesame Street, the Electric Company, and Mister Rogers. Oh, and Captain Kangaroo!
the Ramona books! and Sesame Street!
my favorite show as a kid was fraggle rock. my kids would would love these
I loved Out of this World! I wished every nite I could freeze time!
I loved The Secret Garden when I was a little girl.
Yup, gotta go with Fraggle Rock also!
My favorite book while growing up was Fox In Sox. I read that book everyday. My 5yo dd has started to read it and she loves it too!
My favorite book growing up was "Peter Rabbit" and favorite movie..."Parent Trap"
Please enter me in the contest.
As a little tot, I adored Sesame Street and 3-2-1 Contact. As I grew older, I also got into Pee Wee's Playhouse and Care Bears. Books? I loved them all; I was a bookworm. Still am! I'd love to win this for my two. Thanks! ( meg.wilson@gmail.com )
I loved Little House on the Prairie, I watched it with my mom every week, and then discussed it the next day with my cousin.
I loved the Fraggles and to read Where the Wild Things Are!! Great giveaway...
This is tough...a a little one for sure Sesame Street...growing girl went to Little House of the Prarie...and as a middle schooler I went to The Cosby Show! Thanks again!!
stbaisch AT yahoo DOT com
Mr. Rogers! LOVED him!
Oh, I loved the Muppet show and the Brady Bunch. My kids really liked Maggie and the ferocious beast when it was on PBS, but we haven't seen it for a while. We'd love to win it!
I am a huge fraggle rock fan!
My favorite book was anything from the narnia series!
I blogged you too
I loved the Shirley Temple movies when I was growing up and still do. Enter me to win.
grams-kelley at sbcglobal dot net
The Little Golden Book "Jenny's Surprise Summer"
I loved watching Smurfs on Saturday mornings. So many other things from my childhood are popular again, like Strawberry Shortake and Care Bears. I wish they'd bring back those old episodes of Smurfs.
I loved the Smurfs... and the Trixie Belden books! Thanks for the contest.
I really liked Scooby Doo but when I was little, I also liked this Japanese TV show called Go Rangers. The pink ranger had a heart faceshield and was called Miss America. Off-duty, she had a blonde flip!
Mr Rogers and Silver Spoons- loved Rick Schroeder
Drove my mom crazy with my love for Mr. Rogers!LOL!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
Mister Rogers. Definitely. I still find myself watching it, even if my son is napping.
I loved watching Little House on the Prarie. My friend and I would get together every summer morning and watch the episode together. It was out summer thing to do.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I loved Rainbow Brite :0)
Captain Kangaroo was my favorite!
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I loved reading The Ox-cart Man and Yonder, and watching Little House on the Prairie.
thank you for the great contest
enter me please
pethof (at) gmail (dot) com
my favorite was definitely "Little House On The Prairie"
I loved the "Little House" books and an Australian show called "Treasure Island"
I loved reading babysitters club growing up!
I loved the very hungry caterpillar, it was one of the first books that I got when I had my son.
I loved "The Black Stallion" as a kid....I loved dreaming of horses!
totally dating ourselves here =)
i liked sesame street and the likes of PBS when a young child. when i got older it was brady bunch, denise the menace =) Favorite books - anything Dr. SEUSS!
wiredwilsons AT gmail DOT com
Mr Rogers and the Smurfs were my faves.
I loved reading the Ramona books too!
My favorite show was Reading Rainbow. My mother only let us watch educational shows or read books. I'm raising my girls the same way!
As a young elementary-aged child I remember LOVING the Amelia Bedelia books. They absolutely cracked me up. Now if Amelia read that last sentence she would think I literally had cracks all over me.
Fun giveaway!
I loved Island of the Blue Dolphin as a book and Little House on the Praire as a TV show.
Thanks for the chance
When growing up I loved to watch snorks and masters of the universe...every single day after school.
Oh may I possibly join in, even though I am in New Zealand?
Karen at http://prayingkaren.blogspot.com
I loved Little House on the Prairie. My favorite books were the Ramona series by Beverly Cleary. Thanks for the chance to win!
I loved MIKEY and the MILK, THE MONSTERS,and Romper Room--What an awsume gift--thanks for the change at this giveaway--Dianna at DLMWDAVIS@hotmail.com
My favorite show growing up was Inspector Gadget!
I loved Mr. Dressup!
Rainbow Brite :)
My favorite book was Father Fox's Pennyrhymes, and now I've read it hundreds of times with both my kids.
So many to choose from... My favorite books would have to be the "Little House" series and "Anne of Green Gables". I still re-read them to myself even now! TV was a bad influence on me...my fav has to be the very un-PC "Tom and Jerry".
Love your blog!
Electric Company and Scooby Doo all the way! (melissa@cyber-guru.net)
sesame street for sure! or do you remember the snorkles? HA!
Growing up, I loved to watch the Muppet Show & Sesame Street. My preschoolers would love these DVDs.
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