***Thursday P.M. Update***
The pearl is in the wiver! Umm, yeah. The Bear is back at school. She and we have survived field trip numero uno. This was the first day of many more to come of our little girl venturing out into the world with nary a family member in site. Something tells me things will never quite be exactly the same. Not to be a drama queen but I'm tearing up a bit right now.
Yesterday was day one of summer camp for the Bear and the Mouse. The school remains the same but the program shifts to more a outdoorsy, relaxed and carefree curriculum. Last summer's camp, the Bear's 1st at this school, was a hoot. Days filled with magicians, musical guests and lots and lots of sprinkler play.
The big change from this year to last? As a 4 year old camper, the Bear will now be embarking on field trips, one per week, with her classmates and teachers on a real school bus.
To be sure, relaxed and carefree do not describe my approach to Summer Camp '08. No, no the words dread, panic and anxiety would be far more fitting.
This Thursday the class ventures away from the friendly confines for the first time and I'm certain that I'll have some giant-sized butterflies, as Justin Roberts would say, to contend with until I learn that the Bear has been safely deposited back in her classroom.
It's not just that she'll be in a moving vehicle with someone whose driving skills are unknown to me, but that she'll be interacting socially with other children. Granted, these are the same children she spends every Mon-Thurs with, but the settings will change and what will that mean to conversation and the type of interaction she'll be engaging in from this point forward? Ack, I can't wait for the summer to be over.
People scare me.
In so many ways I long to be a hermit, burrowed in a cozy cave with my family, my Macbook and strong wi-fi connection.
1 comment:
You quoted Justin Roberts. I like that.
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